IPT 2024 undergraduate and graduate student physics will be held at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zürich) in Zürich, Switzerland on April 2-6, 2024. The deadline for the registration of the selected team is December 29, 1402. The number of teams whose registration has been confirmed according to the IPT rules include the teams of Switzerland, Poland, France, Ukraine, Germany and Italy. According to the acceptance of 15 other teams, if the number is more, the preliminary selection stage will be done. At this stage, teams are ranked based on a two-stage review process. Each team must submit a scientific paper on one of the following pre-selected problems:

1. Galton Board

2. Jumpy hoop

6. Salty shapes

In addition, countries with a national selection may choose from additional two problems:

4. Alcohol soundcheck

10. Bubbles under a wet glass

As a reminder, the description of the problems is available on the website.

Make sure that your manuscript is anonymous, i.e. it does not contain any reference to the team. It must be sent only to [email protected] (for anonymity reasons) by 23:59 PT (UTC-7) on January 7, 2024.

All details in Farsi page


اطلاعات بیشتر در بخش مسابقات IPT