After Kazakhstan withdrew from hosting IYNT 2022, fortunately, Georgia hosted IYNT 2018 and IYPT 2021 and accepted the hosting of IYNT 2022. This competition will be held on August 21-28, 2022 in the city of Tskneti near Tbilisi.
All interested participants in the PYNT2022 competition and those who wish to participate in the world competition can participate in the preparation workshop of this course by submitting the registration form on the website of the institute.

IYNT 2022 Problems

We invite you to participate in our national tournament , PYNT with all details in Farsi page.

Deprived areas : Free

Teams who help other deprived areas’ students will be registered with discount

Registration Form  

IYNT 2021 Registration fee : 1’700.- EUR per Team (6 students and 2 team leaders)

IYNT 2022 Registration fee: will be announced later